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No disruption to the network.

Who we are

Boulogne Urban Area

The Boulogne Urban Area (CAB) is the organising authority for the Marinéo collective transport system. Its mission is to organise urban transportation for the 22 municipalities of the destrict: Boulogne-sur-Mer, Baincthun, Condette, Conteville-lès-Boulogne, Dannes, Echinghen, Équihen-Plage, Hesdigneul-lès-Boulogne, Hesdin-l'Abbé, Isques, La Capelle-lès-Boulogne, Nesles, Neufchâtel-Hardelot, Outreau, Pernes-lès-Boulogne, Pittefaux, Le Portel, Saint-Étienne-au-Mont, Saint-Léonard, Saint-Martin-Boulogne, Wimereux, and Wimille.

In this way, the CAB aims to provide a quality service in collective transport and takes decisions on the evolutions of the network and makes the necessary investments in order to constantly improve this public service:

  • Respecting the environment by adopting buses running on natural gas, for example.
  • Providing easily accessible bus stops.
  • Promoting a policy of forms of low-impact mobility on the territory by launching long term rental services for electric bikes.
  • Implementing rates that encourage access for all to the transport network (family rates, free access on Sundays and bank holidays, free access for children under 10).

Transport, economic development, water and sanitation, supporting inclusion and major cultural events, collecting and recycling waste, social cohesion… all these fields come under the scope of the Boulogne Urban Area.


For more information, go to the CAB website.


• President: M. Frédéric CUVILLIER

• Vice President in charge of urban transport: M. Christian FOURCROY, Mayor of Equihen – Plage

• General Manager of Services: M. Jean-Philippe VENNIN

• Vice President for Travel Policies, new forms of mobility and sustainable liaisons: Mme Anne LE LAN


Mobility for all, the use of different modes of transport that respect the environment cannot be reduced to a single measure, it is indeed the multitude of measures targeted and coordinated according to the uses and needs of each inhabitant that can constitute a real alternative.

FRÉDÉRIC CUVILLIER, President of the Boulogne urbain area, Mayor of Boulogne-sur-Mer and former Minister Delegate in charge of Transport and Maritime Economy


The Boulogne urban area (CAB) brings together the 22 municipalities that surround the town of Boulogne – sur - Mer. To connect the 120,000 inhabitants, the CAB has set up the Marinéo network. It is composed of 4 main lines, 7 additional lines, 4 local lines, school transport services, on demand transport (SAD), transport for people with reduced mobility (TPMR) and recently, a long term rental service for electric bikes. There is also a free shuttle service in the Boulogne-sur-Mer town centre on market days, to enable inhabitants to do their shopping without having to use their car.

Urban buses are operated by the CTB (Boulogne transport company), a subsidiary of RATP DEV, which itself is a subsidiary of the RATP Group, via a public service delegation contract by the Boulogne urban area, the authority in charge of organising transport.

The Marinéo network is managed by the CTB in accordance with the orientations set by the CAB. In addition to this management, the delegate has an advisory role with the CAB.

The elected representatives of the CAB define a transport policy and decide on the necessary investments for its implementation. The bus network operates with the PTU (urban transport perimeter) of the CAB.

Professional gender equality index :

For 2022, the CTB scored 85/100.

Every year, companies employing at least 50 people must publish an index that measures the level of gender equality.

How is the gender equality index calculated?

 Calculated on the basis of a total of 100 points, the index is made up of four indicators: pay gap (40 points), gap in the distribution of individual pay rises (35 points), percentage of employees receiving a pay rise when they return from maternity leave (15 points) and parity among the ten highest paid employees in the company (10 points).

Gender equality, a commitment for RATP Dev

 BTC, a subsidiary of RATP Dev, has been awarded a score of 85/100, reflecting our commitment to gender equality.

At every stage of professional life - selection, recruitment, training, remuneration and mobility - we are committed to promoting equality, diversity and respect within our teams, in all our locations in France and abroad.

This 85/100 score breaks down as follows:

    pay gap: 40/40 points,

    differences in the distribution of individual pay rises: 25/35 points,

    percentage of female employees receiving a pay rise on return from maternity leave: 15/15 points,

    and parity among the ten highest earners in the company: 5/10 points.

Marinéo figures:

  • A team of 140 people, including 100 drivers
  • 79 vehicles
  • 15 regular lines
  • 1 free town-centre shuttle
  • 1 transport service for people with reduced mobility
  • 600 bus stops
  • 1 town-centre interchange terminal, Station Liane
  • 1 commercial agency, Marinéo Boutique
  • 20 agents

RATP Group

RATP Dev, created in 2002, focusses on the development and management of operating and maintaining RATP Group transport networks in France and internationally. The RATP Group has a solid experience in all forms of urban and inter-urban public transport – buses, tramways, underground railways and trains.

On the strength of its unique knowhow and experience, RATP Dev puts forward a solid and long-lasting partnership for the development of local authorities.

Every day over 8,500 buses operated by RATP Dev circulate in cities throughout the world employing 3,000 people in France.


  •  making travellers life simple and ensuring their safety

Our priority is to guarantee the well-being, comfort and security of travellers on our network.

We offer transport passes that can be recharged safely and easily as well as efficient real-time information systems in our vehicles and at bus stops. 

With the security of travellers in mind, we are particularly attentive to the training of our local teams and the equipment of our vehicles. We have a rigorous level of requirement on our regular lines as well as for school and tourist transport.


  • offering transport for all, a solution for every one

Every day we offer a service that is tailored to the needs of all travellers at the best possible price – servicing rural areas, alleviating major city centres, door-to-door services combining regular routes and on-demand transport, specific networks for people with reduced mobility, pooling of reservation centres for neighbouring networks, cross-frontier transport services…


  • promoting sustainable mobility

The choice of a transport network is a long-term commitment for local authorities. This is why we made the choice of long-term environmentally-friendly mobility solutions. Our equipment is kept up-to-date constantly to stay ahead of our passengers’ needs: electric shuttles for local services, hybrid buses, vehicles fuelled by natural compressed gas, high level service buses (BHNS with B3.0), eco-driving training courses…

Our commitments for a responsible development is total.

Click here to learn more about RATP Dev

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